Internally Funded Grants
Collaborating with Instructional Designers: Connecting Services and Resources
University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries Strategic Opportunities Grant with C. Fruin (P.I.), P. McDonough, B. de Farber, A. Hines, & B. Hood in 2016 for $3,600.
Untethered Instruction: Engaging Learners in and out of the Classroom 
University of Florida Technology Fee with T. Caswell (co-P.I.) in 2014 for $106,812.
Education Library Student Ambassador Program
University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries Mini-grant with B. Walker (P. I.), A, Hines (co-P. I.), L. Browning & M. N. Ochoa in 2012 for $3,370.
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