Seaside Environmental
Presentation Video
Final Seaside Video
Seaside, Florida’s Seaside Institute wants its residents to leave less of a carbon footprint on the city by choosing to drive an environmentally friendly car. Tasked with informing residents of three alternative vehicles endorsed by the institute, Seaside not only discusses car options, but also appeals to residents’ fondness for the town. Will residents choose a car that uses compressed air for energy, or will it be a gas/electric hybrid? Which one would you choose?
iMovie Draft with Animations

Graphic animations were added after adding still images, video, and narration. This draft in iMovie shows some of the layering used to combine all these elements. Since iMovie does not allow multiple levels of graphic overlay, multiple videos were produced adding one layer at a time until all graphics were incorporated.
Graphics within Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator graphics were provided for incorporation within the Seaside video. The graphics were modified in order to work better with the video concept and script. Elements such as color scheme, speed lines, and compass rose were created to assist viewers in understanding each vehicle’s assets. When finalized, graphics were exported as images for incorporation within iMovie.
iMovie Cutaway Draft

After shooting video, still images needed to be incorporated within iMovie to have a base video. Photographs were carefully chosen and included as cutaways, elevating the video’s presentation and providing relevance for viewers. Since this project was designed to be finished in steps, this was a compilation step, providing a solid base for animations during the next iteration.